Hortons' Estates Ltd
We were appointed to undertake a feasibility appraisal to consider ways to re-invigorate this prominent industrial park in the heart of Staffordshire, through a combination of building new units and refurbishing other areas of the estate.
Following a comprehensive site visit, we detailed the results of our appraisal, that:
– Reviewed the available spaces to maximise flexibility in unit sizes to suit demand;
– Proposed ways to create flexible floor plates to maximise the appeal and meet the needs of prospective tenants thought new build and refurbishment approaches;
– Explored opportunities to improve the internal circulation within the estate.
When specifying the building products for the new buildings, the design team were able to use materials and products with a low embodied energy where appropriate. Waste from the construction process was kept to a minimum, which makes both commercial and environmental sense.
Our appraisal work and the submitted planning application, recognised that the proposed development and refurbishment work, would significantly enhance the appearance and composition of the estate, ready to attract new tenants.